

鶹ýƵվ School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Russia's Revolutionary Century 1917-2017 - Panel Recordings

20 November 2017

On the 4th and 5th of November, 鶹ýƵվ SSEES in partnership with Open Russia came together to commemorate the Centenary, and discuss the broad, complex legacy of 1917 across the century that followed.

SSEES Russian Revolution November 4th

Please enjoy the recordings made of these excellent panels, with thanks to Open Russia for the films.

Saturday 4th of November - 鶹ýƵվ Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre

Keynote Lecture by Laura Engelstein:

"The New Russian Revolution: 1917 Revisited”

Panel 1 - Revolution and Memory
Uilleam Blacker 'Provincializing the Revolution: the View from Ukraine'
Simon Dixon ‘Revolutionary memories and the specter of counter-revolution’
Andy Willimott ‘Revolutionary Scripts: the Paris Commune and October 1917’
Moderator: Pete Duncan

Panel 2 - Revolution and Empire
Sarah Badcock ‘Kaleidoscopes of revolution: Views from the provinces in 1917’
Jennifer Keating ‘At the margins of revolution: 1917 and beyond in Central Asia’
Kristin Roth-Ey ‘Soviet media empire and revolution’
Moderator: Stephen Lovell

Panel 3 - Revolution of the Mind&Body
Daniel Beer ‘The Struggle over Sovereignty: Revolutionaries in Siberian Exile, 1905-1917’
Peter Waldron ‘Proletarians of the paintbrush: art and revolution’
Claire Shaw ‘Revolutionising the Imperfect Body: Changing Visions of Disability after 1917’
Moderator: Andreas Schönle

Keynote Lecture by Geoffrey Hosking:

“The Triumph of Distrust: 1917 and Soviet Society”

Sunday 5th of November - Open Russia Club

The Legacy of 1917/Impact on the world
Tony Brenton
Robert Service
Kirill Rogov
Andrew Wilson
Moderator: Simon Dixon

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