
Psychoanalysis Unit


David Tuckett's Publications

Selected Publications
Ìý- Books - -ÌýChaptersÌý- -ÌýJournal PublicationsÌý-

(Forthcoming) (with Richard J Taffler) Understanding professional investors and how they manage information: human nature and the role of the emotions. (To be published as a CFA Institute Monograph).

(2008) (Edited with Roberto Basile, Dana Birksted Breen, Tomas Bohm, Paul Denis, Antonino Ferro, Helmut Hinz, Arne Jemstedt, Paola Mariotti, Johan Schubert) Psychoanalysis Comparable & Incomparable: The Evolution of a Method to Describe and Compare Psychoanalytic Approaches. London: Routledge.

(1985) (with Mary Boulton, Coral Olson and Anthony Williams) Meetings Between Experts: An Approach to Sharing Ideas in Medical Consultations. London: Tavistock

(1978) (with Joseph Kaufert) Basic Readings in Medical Sociology. London: Tavistock.

(1976)ÌýIntroduction to Medical Sociology. London: .

Chapters in Book Publications

(2007) Civilisation and Its Discontents Today in Braddock, Louise and Lacewing, Michael, The Academic Face of Psychoanalysis. London: Routledge.

(2005) Some Developments in Psychoanalytic Thinking in Great Britain and Continental Europe in Cooper, M., Gabbard, Glen O and Person, Ethel.ÌýAmerican Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychoanalysis. Washington DC and London: American Psychiatric Publishing.

(2000). Theoretical pluralism and the construction of psychoanalytic knowledge. In Changing Ideas in a Changing World: The Revolution in Psychoanalysis. Essays in Honour of Arnold M. Cooper, ed. J. Sandler et al. London: Karnac, pp. 235-46.

(1997) Mutual Enactment in the Psychoanalytic Situation. In Ahumada, J., et al., The Perverse Transference and other matters. Essays in Honor of R. Horacio Etchegoyen. New York and London: Jason Aronson.

Journal, newspaper and other research publications

 Published as part of the IPPRprogramme.


(2007) Richard Taffler and David Tuckett. Emotional Finance - Understanding what drives investors.ÌýProfessional Investor.

(2007) Richard Taffler and David Tuckett (2007, September 20). In the mood for instability.ÌýFinancial Times.

(2007) Wie können Fälle in der Psychoanalyse verglichen und diskutiert werden? Implikationen für künftige Standards der klinischen Arbeit. [English title On the Problem of Comparing and Discussing Clinical Material in Psychoanalysis: Implications for Future Standards of Clinical Work.] Psyche, 9/10 September-October. 1042 - 1071.

(2007) Ist Wirklich alles Möglich: Über die Arbeit an einem System zur 
Transparenteren Einschätzung Psychoanalytischer Kompetenz. [English title: Does Anything Go? Towards a framework for the more transparent assessment of psychoanalytic competence.]Forum der Psychoanalyse, 23: 44-64

(2006) To What Extent is Personal Experience and Validation Essential? European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling, 8 (4), 393-405.

(2005) Does Anything Go? Towards a framework for the more transparent assessment of psychoanalytic competence. Joint winner IPA Training Today Award, New Orleans, 2003.ÌýInternational Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 86: 31-49.

(2005) Building a Psychoanalysis Based on Confidence in What We Do. Presidential Address, Helsinki.ÌýBulletin of the European Psychoanalytic Federation, 58: 2004.

(2003) Review of Neil J Smelser., Social Edges of Psychoanalysis. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1998. Pp.263. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 84: 481-485

(2003) Building a More Secure Base for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Conflicts in Sharing the Data.ÌýBritish Journal of Psychotherapy, 20: 177-189.

(2003) A Ten Year European Scientific Initiative.ÌýPresidential Address, Sorrento. Bulletin of the Federation of the European Psychoanalytic Federation, 57: 2003.

(2003) (with Taffler, R) Internet Stocks as "Phantastic Objects": A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Shareholder Valuation during Dot.Com Mania., European Asset Management, Boom or Bust? The Equity Market Crisis - Lessons for Asset Managers and their Clients, 150-162

(2001) Evidence Based Psychoanalysis: an imperative and an opportunity.ÌýInt. Forum. Psychoanal., 10. 211-215.

(2001). Towards a more facilitating peer environment.ÌýInternational Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 82(4), 643-651.

(2001). À la recherche d'une compréhension du sujet humain: vers une meilleure coopération avec nos pairs.ÌýRev. Franc. Psychanal, Supplement, pp. 93-110.

(2000). Reporting clinical events in the journal: towards the construction of a special case.ÌýInternational Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 81(6), 1065-1069.

(1998) Evaluating psychoanalytic papers: Towards the development of a common standard.ÌýInternational Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 79, 3, 431-448.

(1995) Afterthoughts: the conceptualisation and communication of clinical facts in psychoanalysis.ÌýInternational Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 75, 4, 653-662.

(1994) Foreword: the conceptualisation and communication of clinical facts in psychoanalysis.ÌýInternational Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 75, 5-6, 865-870.

(1994) Developing a grounded hypothesis to understand a clinical process: the role of conceptualisation in validation.International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 75, 5-6, 1159-1180.

(1993) Some thoughts on the presentation and discussion of the clinical material of psychoanalysis.ÌýInternational Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 74, 6, 1175-1190.

(1985) (with Mary Boulton and Coral Olson) A New Approach to the Measurement of Patients' Understanding of What They are Told in Medical Consultations.ÌýJournal of Health and Social Behavior, 26, (March): 27-38.

(1984) (with A.J.Williams) Approaches to the Measurement of Explanation and Information-Giving in Medical Consultations: A Review of Empirical Studies.ÌýSocial Science and Medicine, 18, 7, 571-580.

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How to contact David Tuckett

Psychoanalysis Unit 
Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology 
University College London 
Gower Street 
London WC1E 6BT

Tel: +44 (0) 207 679 5961

Fax: +44 (0)20 7916 8502
