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Rates of short-sightedness increasing in the UK

20 January 2022

Our changing environment, as well as changing gene-environment interactions, could explain increasing rates of short-sightedness over time in the UK, reports a new study led by 鶹ýƵվ researchers.


In a new paper published in PLOS One, researchers showed that, within the study, there were ahigher number of people diagnosed with short-sightednesswithin theyounger populationthan thoseborn between 1939 and 1944.

Short-sightedness is when objects in the distance appear blurred. It is thought to affect aroundone in three people in the UKand isbecoming more common. While often treatable with glasses or even surgery, this can be costly.

The team studied data from107,442people within theUK Biobank studyaged between40 and 69 years old. As part of the study everyone underwent adetailed eye examand provided information about theirhistory of vision problems. This extensive data was then used tostudy changing levels of short-sightednessinpeople born between 1939 and 1970.

The team found that20%of those born between1939 and 1944were short-sighted, whereas29%born between1965 and 1970were short-sighted.

As the large increase was seen in such a short period of time, the team believe that thismust be due to environmental factorsas genes do not change as quickly. They also noted that their data suggested this trend of increasing levels of short-sightedness began some time ago, andnot just in the past decade.

The researchers also looked at demographic data like ethnicity and gender to try and find other contributors to this rising levels of short-sightedness. For instance, they noted there was anassociation between higher levels of education and short-sightedness, with thelink becoming stronger over time.

Senior author Professor Jugnoo Rahi(鶹ýƵվ Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, 鶹ýƵվ Institute of Ophthalmology and Great Ormond Street Hospital) said: "There are lots of theories about what may be causing the increasing levels of short-sightedness, with a lot of interest in our changing ‘viewing habits’.”

“In our lives we tend to do a lot more ‘near viewing’ particularly in education and our social lives. At the same time, we do less distance viewing (outside), especially as more and more people live in urban communities.”

Professor Rahi also notes that we need to start looking at ways toslow the rate of short-sightednessas a population or we will haveincreasing numbers of people with high levels of short-sightedness(a prescription of greater than –5.0) which increases the chances of complications like blindness.

At the moment, there isnot conclusive evidencethatchanging our viewing habits, likeincreasing our outdoor viewing, will combat this rise. However,spending more time outdoors,and therefore increasing our long-distance viewing, has otherwell-established mental and physical benefits.

There are alsoongoing large-scale trialsto understand how interventions such as eye drops, or certain lenses may impact the progression of short-sightedness

Professor Rahi added: “The causes of short-sightedness are complex with both genes and environment contributing. As societies evolve, the changing environment mean that the balance and relative importance of each may be changing.

"Our team has shown here that there is aclear rise in the rates of short-sightedness, likely due tochanging environmental factorsand we now need to understand how we can slow these rises."




  • Credit: dusanpetkovic on iStock

Media contact

Chris Lane

Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 9222

Email: chris.lane [at] ucl.ac.uk