
Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering


Borja Blanco

Borja Blanco photo

Borja Blanco recently defended his PhD, and completed his time as a student in Cognitive Neuroscience at the . His research interests mainly concern signal processing and data analysis methods for neuroimaging techniques employed in infant research (fNIRS and EEG). In particular, he is interested in investigating resting-state activity and language processing in infant populations in the context of bilingualism.

Borja was a visiting student at DOT-HUB, working in a project to study resting-state activity in healthy term infants during different sleep-stages with the high-density diffuse optical tomography LUMO system, in a collaboration with the neoLAB research group at Cambridge. He has since taken a post-doctoral position at the , where he is translating HD-DOT into new populations and environments.

