Hyde Geatrell Williams

1786 - 1862

Claimant or beneficiary


London sugar refiner and merchant, born in Jamaica, awarded with John Mackie (q.v.) (both of 110 Fenchurch Street) the compensation for the Farm estate in Manchester as trustees of Charles Booth, and with William Lambert the compensation for an award in Kingston Jamaica, again as trustees.

  1. Will of Hyde Geatrell Williams formerly of 110 Fenchurch Street but late of Northfleet Kent who died 10/07/1862 proved 07/08/1862, effects under £600.

  2. Hyde Geatrell Williams had registered enslaved people in his own name in 1817 in St Catherine Jamaica.

  3. 'Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership lately existing between us the undersigned Henry Clark and Hyde Geatrell Williams, of Christian-Street, Saint. George's in the East, Sugar-Finers, carrying on trade under the firm of Clark, Williams and Co. was and is dissolved from the 1st day of May instant by mutual consent, and the business is now carried on by the said Henry Clark alone, and on his own account. Dated this 22d day of May 1826. Henry Clark. Hyde G. Williams.'

  4. In 1861 Hyde Williams aged 75 gentleman born Jamaica was living at North Aylesford Kent with his wife Mary Jane aged 74 also born Jamaica and a housekeeper, Ann Brown, aged 60 born Jamaica. In 1851, the couple, with Ann Brown, their daughter Louisa Wyatt and son-in-law were living at 17 Chester [sp?] Place Lambeth.


T71/1378/9 Special Awards in Trust Manchester no. 446.

  1. National Probate Calendar 1862.

  2. Slave Registers St Catherine 1817.

  3. London Gazette 18250 23/05/1826 p. 1232.

  4. 1851 and 1861 censuses online.

Further Information

Married but no further details
Wealth at death

Associated Claims (2)

£220 9s 3d
Awardee (Trustee)
£585 1s 7d
Awardee (Trustee)

Relationships (1)

Business partners

Addresses (2)

17 Chester Place, Lambeth, Lambeth, Surrey, London, England
33 Huggins Cottages, Northfleet, Aylesford, Kent, South-east England , England