Samuel Byam died c. 1738

???? - 1739


Slave-owner on Antigua, of London when he made his will in 1736/7.

  1. Will of Samuel Byam of London [but shortly intending a voyage to Antigua] [made 6th February 1736/7] proved 21/04/1739. He instructed that his sugars from Antigua should be shipped to Messrs Tryon & Company of London for the payment of their bond debt. He left his wife Grace an annuity of £300 p.a. over and above the unspecified amount settled on her at their marriage, and £6000 to his daughter Phillis if she were the only daughter: his residuary heir was his son 'if any' [his son and heir Samuel Byam d. 1761 was presumably born after the will was made]. His executors in England were William and Thomas Tryon and a London attorney named Thomas Smith, and he appointed also three local executors in Antigua.


  1. PROB 11/695/401.

Further Information

Married but no further details

Relationships (2)

Father → Son
Deceased Husband → Widow

Addresses (1)

London, Middlesex, London, England