Archer Martin or Martyn

???? - 14th Jul 1707


  1. Archer Martin of St Thomas-in-the-Vale wrote his will in Jamaica in early 1706, while "now about to take a voyage to England for the recovery of [his] health." He bequeathed an annuity of £500 a year to his wife Mary and left other legacies to his uncle Mathew Gregory and Gregory's children. His residuary legatees were his sisters Jane Risby and Dorothy Smith. Owner of a large sugar estate in St Thomas-in-the-Vale "at Sixteen Mile Walk."

  2. Archer Martin's memorial inscription inside the church building of St Mary's Church, Walthamstow, reads: "Here lyeth the body of Mr. ARCHER MARTIN late of the Island of Jamaica mercht Obijt the 14th of June 1707."

  3. Archer Martyn's estate was probated in Jamaica in 1710. At probate, his slave-ownership statistics were as follows: 129 total, of whom 71 were listed as male and 58 as female. 30 were listed as boys, girls or children. Total value of estate at probate: £2909.08 in Jamaican currency, of which £1920 currency was the value of enslaved people. Estate valuation included £0 currency cash, £0 currency debts and £0 currency plate.

We are grateful to Jacqueline Baker for her assistance in compiling this entry.


  1. PROB 11/499/161.

  2. www.findagrave.com memorial ID 185688922; correspondence from Jacqueline Baker, St Mary's Church, 03/08/2023.

  3. Trevor Burnard, Database of Jamaican inventories, 1674-1784.

Further Information


PROB 11/499/161 - precis.

Archar Martin of St Thomas-in-the-Vale, Jamaica, Esquire.

To my dearly beloved wife Mary Martin £500 Jamaican currency per year for life to be paid as a rent charge out of my whole estate in Jamaica in bar of her dower.

To my cozen Katherine Gregory, eldest daughter of Matthew Gregory of St Thomas-in-the-Vale Esquire £100 Jamaican currency.

To each of the children of the said Matthew Gregory £50 Jamaican currency each.

To my godson Edward Winter, son of Edward Wynter of St Thomas-in-the-Vale Esquire, three breeding cows. The same each to my godsons Edwyn Savage, son of Dr Edwin Savage of St Thomas-in-the-Vale and Mathew Cosens, son of Charles Cosens of St Thomas-in-the-Vale.

To my wife Mary Martin the five house negroes following vizt. Cuffee, Hector, Massina, Fidela and Phillis during her life. But my request to her is that she will permit them during her absence from this island to work on my plantation at Sixteen Mile Walk for the benefit of my siad estate.

My plantation at Sixteen Mile Walk with all the negroes thereon being together with my houses and land at Passage Fort and all other real estate in Jamaica in case I happen to die without issue of my body lawfully begotten to my sisters Jane Risby and Dorothy Smith: two-thirds of the produce thereof after my debts, benefits and legacies to Jane Risby and one-third to Dorothy Smith furing the life of my wife Mary Martin. And from her death in case I shall die without issue then my plantation and all other real estate in Jamaica to my sisters Jane Risby and Dorothy Smith and the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten to be equally divided provided the annuity to my wife be duly and punctually paid by them to her without trouble or hindrance of them or their husbands, heirs or assigns. In case the same be not duly and punctually paid to her yearly, then my will is that my said wife shall enter into and upon my said plantation and negroes and all other of my real estate in Jamaica as if devised to her by me in fee simple.

All my ready money, plate, jewels, furniture, household goods and chattels in Jamaica or England or elsewhere to my wife Mary Martin.

In case it should please God that I together with my wife should perish at sea in our intended voyage to England, then to Mrs Martha Watson, sister of my wife, £500 sterling; to Mr Francis Watson, brother of my said wife, £300 sterling; to Mrs Katherine Gregory, daughter of Mathew Gregory £200 sterling to be paid to each of them out of what money I have now in England. Also should we both perish at sea I leave all such debts as shall be owing to me in Jamaica together with all such money as I shall then have in England to the children of my uncle Matthew Gregory above mentioned equally. Also should we both perish at sea then half of all the sugar that should be made to the children of my uncle Matthew Gregory and the other half to my sisters Jane Risby and Dorothy Smith.

My wife Mary Martin to be sole executrix.

Signed 11/05/1706.

Codicil. Whereas I Archar Martin am now about to take a voyage to England for the recovery of my health and being earnestly desirous that all manner of disputes and controversies in my will may be avoided, and that all devises and bequests to my wife may meet with the most liberal and beneficial exposition for the advantage of my said wife, I order that my sisters Jane Risby and Dorothy Smith shall severally enter into bonds of the penalty of £2000 sterling with condition annexed for the payment of the sum of £500 per annum current money of Jamaica to my said wife Mary Martin before they or any persons shall possess themselves any part of my estate. Should they refuse to give such security or retard her payments then I revoke all payments to my sisters. Dated at St Jago de la Vega, 20/02/1706.

Proved in London by Mary Martin, 13/01/1708.

Relationships (1)

Other relatives
Notes →
Presumably related through Martin's uncle Mathew Gregory, speaker...

Inventories (1)