Louis Felix Langaigne

No Dates


Son and heir of Widow Elizabeth Langaigne (q.v.), from whom he inherited enslaved people in St George, Grenada. Elizabeth died between 1829 and 1832. Louis Felix had himself died by 31/07/1834. The compensation for enslaved people was paid to William Burke, whose wife Eliza was Louis Felix's heiress-at-law.

Possibly the Felix Langaigne who owned one male and one female enslaved people in St George in 1829.


T71/310 pp. 91-93; T71/334 pp. 55-57.

T71/310 p. 93.

We are grateful to Stephen Lewis for his assistance with compiling this entry.

Relationships (3)

Son → Mother
Deceased → Heir-at-law
Previous owner → Enslaved-manumitted