Samuel New

???? - 1763


Slave-owner on Nevis, and a merchant of Bristol.

  1. Will of Samuel New [late of Nevis] merchant of Bristol Gloucestershire proved 30/03/1763. In the will he left the Stapletons estate which he had purchased in fee of Mary Sargent, with other lands in Nevis, to his son Rev. James New, and his moieties of the Clifton and Mountain estate now in the tenure of ------Galloway and of the Bristol estate to his son John New (the other halves were owned by Richard Cox, he said). He also left 1000 acres in Georgia in the American colonies between his two sons, leaving James also two enslaved men in the service of another individual there. In a codicil he revoked his legacy of an annuity of £8 p.a.and her freedom to a 'negro woman' named Peggy, 'she now living with my daughter Parris.'


  1. PROB 11/885/501.

Further Information

Married but no further details
James; John; Martha; Elizabeth

Associated Estates (2)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
- 1763 [EY] → Joint owner

Samuel New left his moiety of the Clifton and Mountain estate in his will of 1763 to his son John New, specifying that the other half was owned by Richard Cox.

- 1763 [EY] → Owner

Shown in his will, made and proved in 1763, as having been purchased in fee by Samuel New of Mary Sargent.

Relationships (3)

Business associates
Father → Son
Father → Son

Addresses (1)

Bristol, Gloucestershire, South-west England, England