Walrond Fearon

No Dates


Resident slave-owner, contesting the Hope estate with the Elletson and Chandos families. Son-in-law of Thomas Edlyne, although there is variance in the sources whether his wife was called Elizabeth or Mary. The Walrond Fearon who was overseer on Bryan's Hill and other estate in the 1790s was presumably a son or natural son, rather than this man.


T. Burnard. (2001). 'Slave Naming Patterns: Onomastics and the Taxonomy of Race in Eighteenth-Century Jamaica'. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Vol. 31(3), pp. 325-346, which gives his wife as Elizabeth Edlyne; cf Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial [1783] p. 527: [433.] [Reference to the Committee of the appeal of James, Duke of Chandos, and Anna Eliza, Duchess of Chandos, from several judgments of the Lieut.-Governor and Council of Jamaica as a Court of Appeals, 27-30 Nov. 1782, affirming judgments of the Supreme Court in Nov. 1781, in favour of Walrond Fearon and Mary his wife concerning possession of Hopes or Hope Harding's estate, lately belonging to Richard Elletson.] [pp. 202, 258.] [On the Committee report of 24 July, the judgments are reversed and the appellants are to be restored to all they have lost by means of them. Other names in the report are Elletson's wife, Susannah, his sons, Thomas Hope and Roger Hope, his daughter, Anna Petronella, and James Ord, her husband, his brother, Thomas Edlyne; Sarah Shanks, James Prevost, Marmaduke Hilton, Sir Archibald Grant, Bart., and Elizabeth his wife (formerly Elizabeth Callender, widow,) Anna Shanks or Hassall, Rev. John Venn, and David Mitchell. The Duchess of Chandos was widow of Roger Hope Elletson, and Mary Fearon the daughter of Thomas Edlyne. [pp. 360-77, 386.]

Further Information

Mary or Elizabeth Edlyne

Associated Estates (1)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1762 [EA] - 1762 [LA] → Trustee

Relationships (1)

Son-in-law → Father-in-law