Samuel Estwick of Berkeley Street and Barbados

1736 - 1795


MP for Westbury 1779-1795, Agent for Barbados 1778-1792, father of Samuel Estwick II.

  1. Will of Samuel Estwick of St Marylebone proved 03/12/1795. Under the will he left monetary legacies of £1200 each to his younger children and confirmed the transmission of his [unnamed] estate in Barbados, which he had previously settled on his son Samuel in his marriage settlement dated 1793. His son's will indicates the estate was Cooper's Hill.

  2. Charlotte, daughter of Samuel Estwick MP and his first wife Elizabeth nee Frere, married John Denison: four of their sons are in the ODNB as 'bishop of Salisbury', 'speaker of the house of commons', 'army officer and colonial governor', and 'Church of England clergyman' respectively. Their grandfather is described as 'a West India planter and MP for Westbury' and 'Samuel Estwick MP' in the first and second of these entries.


[accessed 23/10/2015]; the entry in the 1790-1820 volume is more explicit on Estwick's opposition to the abolition of the slave-trade, [accessed 23/10/2015].

  1. PROB 11/1268/124.

  2. W. M. Jacob, ‘Denison, Edward (1801–1854)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/7486, accessed 21 Oct 2014]; G. F. R. Barker, ‘Denison, (John) Evelyn, Viscount Ossington (1800–1873)’, rev. H. C. G. Matthew, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/7490, accessed 21 Oct 2014]; A. J. Arbuthnot, ‘Denison, Sir William Thomas (1804–1871)’, rev. A. G. L. Shaw, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/7492, accessed 21 Oct 2014]; J. M. Rigg, ‘Denison, George Anthony (1805–1896)’, rev. George Herring, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/7488, accessed 21 Oct 2014]

Further Information

(1) Elizabeth Frere (2) Grace Langford
Oxford (Queen's) [1753 ]

Legacies Summary

Historical (1)

Considerations on the Negroe Cause Commonly So Called addressed to the Right Honourable Lord Mansfield Lord Chief Justice of the King's... 1772 

Political (1)

Tory / West India interest 
election →
Westbury Wiltshire
1779 - 1795

Relationships (5)

Father → Son
Father → Son
Father → Daughter
Father → Son
Husband → Wife

Addresses (1)

Berkeley Street, London, Middlesex, London, England