
International Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) Centre


CST Manuals

CST Manuals

CST manuals are?currently available in English, Chinese, Danish, German, Italian, Norweigan and Bahasa Indonesia. Work is ongoing to adapt and translate manuals for more countries, and we will continue to update this list.

English manuals

Making a Difference 1: an evidence based group program to offer Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) to people with dementia?(Second edition). Spector A., Woods B., Stoner R. C., and Orrell M. (2020).?

Making a Difference 2: an evidence based group program to offer maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) to people with dementia.??Aguirre E., Spector A., Streater A., Hoe J., Woods B., and Orrell M.?(2012).

Making a Difference 3: Individualised CST ¨C A manual for carers. Yates L., Orrell M., Leung P., Spector A., Woods B., and Orgeta V. (2014).?

Chinese manual

ÕJÖª´Ì¼¤ÖίŸCST žéÕJÖªÕϵKÖ¢ÔOÓ‹µÄÑ­×CС½M»î„Ó (Cognitive stimulation treatment CST Evidence-based group activities designed for dementia). Spector?A., Thorgrimsen?L., Woods?B., and?Orrell?M. (2017). HKU Press.?

Danish manual

Kognitiv Stimulationsterapi (CST): Et evidensbaseret gruppe program til mennesker med demens.?Johannesen?A., Spector, A., and Gregersen?R. (2019).? VIA University College.

German manual

Kognitive Stimulationstherapie. Ein evidenzbasiertes Gruppenprogramm f¨¹r Menschen mit Demenz. Aufbaukurs mit Querverweisen zum Basiskurs.?Aguirre E., Spector A., Streater A., Hoe J., Woods B., and Orrell M. (2018).?Hg. von Katja Werheid. Dortmund: Verlag Modernes Lernen.

Italian manual

Promuovere il benessere nella persona con demenza. Una guida pratica per la stimolazione cognitiva ad uso del familiare e del caregiver.?Borella E., Lobbia?A., Michelini?G. Faggian?S., and Gardini S.?(2016).? Franco Angeli, Italy.

Norweigan manual

Hukommelses-Stimulerende Terapi.?Spector A., Thorgrimsen L., Woods B., and?Orrell?M. (2018)

Bahasa Indonesia manual

Bahasa manual information
