

IPAC Documentation

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Other resources available for staff

There are some resources available to staff for further information on the IPAC assessment methodology, How to explain the IPAC to the students, and also Example data that can be used to practice and experiment with the system. These resources are listed and explained below.

Introduction to the IPAC assessment methodology

The presentation below contains a quick introduction to the IPAC assessment methodology, covering its benefits, addressing the perceived barriers for its use, key elements and recommendations, and real data from case studies and literature that shows its suitability.

Guidelines on how to use the IPAC methodology

The IPAC assessment methodology can be run in multiple ways. We have presented here the key points and recommendations.

Template presentation to explain IPAC to the student

It is good practice to explain the IPAC methodology to the students when you intend to use it in your class. With that aim, we have created in collaboration with some students a power point targeted at students to present the IPAC methodology; it covers the key elements and training. Staff are encouraged to amend, adapt, and modify this presentation and use it in their class. Note that the template contains various conflicting slides, explaining the different ways of calculating the IPAC score and other settings, so the tutor needs to adapt the presentation and remove the options that they are not using before presenting it to the students.

Student Training Presentation v4.ppt (This resource is available within the ‘Resources_for_staff’ folder provided when downloading the software)

To see a full explanation of the structure and information presented in the output files from the IPAC software, please refer to the documentation page “Menu> Data analysis with IPAC software > Output files explained. To know the different settings options that will determine how the IPAC scores and calculated and what the feedback for each student includes, please refer to the documentation page “Menu > Data analysis with IPAC software > Settings.

Example data for Moodle questionnaire users

We made available some “example data” that allow staff to test and understand the IPAC software better, how to run the software and the information that it generates. The relevant files are:

To see a full explanation of the structure and information presented in the output files from the IPAC software, please refer to the documentation page “Menu> Data analysis with IPAC software > Output files explained. To know the different settings options that will determine how the IPAC scores and calculated and what the feedback for each student includes, please refer to the documentation page “Menu > Data analysis with IPAC software > Settings.

Template for personalised tutor feedback

The IPAC software allows the tutor to create personalized tutor feedback for each student based on their individual scores (the overall IPAC and the average score obtained per criteria) and some pre-defined feedback written on a template. Note that the template needs to be adapted in terms of the number of questions, and the thresholds for the numerical bands, particularly when changing from normalized to percentage IPAC values. This is fully explained in the “Menu > Data analysis with the IPAC software > Automatic personalised tutor feedback”.

Some examples/templates provided to create this personalized tutor feedback are:

Note: These files are available within the ‘Example_data’ folder provided when downloading the software.

Other resources