

Department of Greek & Latin


Bianca Facchini

Research Fellow

Email: b.facchini@ucl.ac.uk

Research interests:

  • Classical Latin literature (especially epic and Apuleius)
  • Late medieval and Renaissance (neo-) Latin literature
  • The reception of classical antiquity in the late Middle Ages and the Italian Renaissance
  • Manuscript studies
  • The reception of Italian Renaissance humanism in early modern Britain

I work on Latin language and literature, including the postclassical developments of the Latin literary tradition; moreover, I am interested in the reception of Graeco-Roman antiquity in later cultural contexts. My research especially focuses on late medieval and neo-Latin literature and on the reception of ancient Greek and Latin texts in the late Middle Ages and the Italian Renaissance. Alongside writing on the reception of Lucan'sBellum Civilein fourteenth-century Italy, I have been working on the Latin works of Italian Renaissance authors such as Albertino Mussato and Francesco Petrarch, and I am also interested in unpublished Latin epic from fifteenth-century Italy. During my post-doc, I have expanded the scope of my research to consider neo-Latin poetry from early modern Britain, viewed in relation to the earlier Italian neo-Latin tradition.


For my BA (2007-10) and MA (2010-12) I studied Classics at the University of Padua, where I also attended theScuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori(the School of Excellence of the University of Padua). I completed a PhD in Italian Studies and Medieval Studies at the University of California, Berkeley (2012-17). During my PhD, I was a DAAD visiting scholar at LMU Munich, Medieval Latin Institute (Spring 2016) and a visiting researcher at KCL, Classics department (Fall 2016). From July 2017, I have been working as a postdoctoral research associate on Dr. Victoria Moul'sLeverhulme-funded project "Latin Poetry in English Manuscript Verse Miscellanies, c. 1550-1700", and I have been basedat University College London from February 2019.

Selected publications:

Critical edition of Mussato'sDe Liteinter Naturam et Fortunam; under contract with SISMEL —Edizione Nazionale dei Testi Mediolatini d'Italia(the submitted manuscript has been approved for publication in Autumn 2019).

‘Lucan and Virgil: from Dante to Petrarch (and Boccaccio)’.International Journal of the Classical Tradition27 (2020), pp. 1-22 (published online at).

‘“As Lucan says”: Dante's Reuse of theBellum Civilein theMonarchiaand the Political Epistles’.Mediaevalia. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Medieval Studies Worldwide40 (2019), pp. 81-106.

‘Petrarch's Lucan and the Ambiguities of Ancient Heroism’.Humanistica. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Early Renaissance Studies13.2 (2018) [in press].

‘Albertino Mussato: ultime riflessioni sulla poesia’. In‘Moribus antiquis sibi me fecere poetam’. Albertino Mussato nel VII centenario dell'incoronazione poetica (Padova 1315-2015), edited by Rino Modonutti and Enrico Zucchi. Florence: Sismel, 2017, pp. 133-50.

‘Il Cesare di Lucano, da Dante a Manzoni’.Intersezioni36/3 (2016), pp. 437-42.

‘A Philosophical Quarrel amongAuctoritates: Mussato’sDe Lite inter Naturam et Fortunamand its Classical and Medieval Sources’.Italia Medioevale e Umanistica55 (2014), pp. 71-102.

‘Petrarca e l'agiografia camaldolese: la fonte della vita di san Romualdo nelLegendariodi Nicolò Malerbi’.Hagiographica21 (2014), pp. 179-96.

‘Giurisprudenza da favola. Note sul lessico giuridico delleMetamorfosidi Apuleio’.Lexis29 (2011), pp. 301-24.