

鶹ýƵվ Cancer Institute


Immune-onco Pathology

Group leader:Dr Teresa Marafioti


Our research has two main streams:

1. Immunohistochemical screening

We focus on high throughput immunohistochemical screening and characterization of molecules involved in various cellular pathways in order to identify novel diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic markers. This has allowed identification of novel diagnostic markers for haematological malignancies (and solid tumours), and it served as an enabling methodology for basic translational research cutting across various research themes and landing to collaborations within academia and industry, locally, nationally and internationally.

2. Microscope-based assays

The second arm of our research activity is to develop microscope-based assays such as theRecently established multiplex immunolabelling (MIL) technique that can be applied on diagnostic FFPE and fluid samples to characterise in depth the phenotype of tumour cells as well as to analyse the tumour microenvironment. At 鶹ýƵվ Cancer Institute, in collaboration with several research teams this technology has been largely used to study intratumour heterogeneity of T-cell clones in a variety of tumours and to monitor resistance to therapy. One of these studies has been successfully published in Science last year -.McGranahan N et al. Science 2016 Mar 3; 1490.

Research developments

In progress is the development of a “superplex” immunostaining for detection of up 7 proteins in tissue samples. The assay has been established by Ayse Akarca, the senior member of the team.

Additional techniques in use in our team include: a) multispectral immunofluorescence technique based upon the VECTRA system that allows the simultaneous detection of several molecules in tissue sections. This methodology is useful to quantify cell subsets and proteins co-localisation; b) BASE and RNAscope technology, a sensitive approach for RNA in situ hybridization, that enables multiplex fluorescent and chromogenic detection and quantification of RNA biomarkers.

The team provides service for Multiplex immunolabelling to pharmaceutical companies and clinical trials.Contact: Ayse Akarcaa.akarca@ucl.ac.uk.

Selected publications

  1. Schmidt J, Gong S,Marafioti T, Mankel B, Gonzalez-Farre B, Balagué O, Mozos A, Cabeçadas J, van der Walt J, Hoehn D, Rosenwald A, Ott G, Dojcinov S, Egan C, Nadeu F, Ramis-Zaldívar JE, Clot G, Bárcena C, Pérez-Alonso V, Endris V, Penzel R, Lome-Maldonado C, Bonzheim I, Fend F, Campo E, Jaffe ES, Salaverria I, Quintanilla-Martinez L..Ǵǻ, 128:1101-11; 2016
  2. McGranahan, Furness AJS, Rosenthal R,Ramskov, S, Lyngaa R, Saini SK, Jamal-Hanjani M, Wilson GA , Birkbak1 NJ ,Hiley CT, Watkins TBK, Shafih S, Murugaesu N, Richard Mitter R, Akarca AU , Linares J,Marafioti T, Jake Y. Henry JY, Van Allen EM, Miao D, Schilling B, Schadendorf D, Levi Garraway L, Makarov V, Rizvi NA, Snyder A, Hellmann MD, Merghoub T, Wolchok JD,Shukla SA, , Catherine J. Wu, Peggs KS, Chan TA ,Hadrup, SR, Sergio A. Quezada SA, Swanton C.. Science, 351(6280):1463-9; 2016
  3. Llibre A, López-Macías C,Marafioti T, Mehta H, Partridge A, Kanzig C, Rivellese F, Galson JD, Walker LJ|, Milne P, Phillips RE, Kelly DF, Freeman GJ, El Shikh MEM, Klenerman P, Willberg CB.. J. Immunol, 196(5):2085-94; 2016
  4. Sellar RS, Fend F, Akarca A, Agostinelli C, Shende V, Quintanilla-Martínez L, Stein H, Pileri SA, Linch D,Marafioti T.. Br J Haematol, 170:282-5; 2015.
  5. Agostinelli C, Rizvi H, Paterson J, Shende V, Akarca AU Agostini E, Fuligni F, Righi S, Spagnolo S, Piccaluga PP, Pileri SA,Marafioti T.. Am J Surg Pathol , 1349-59; 2014
  6. Rimsza LM, Day WA, McGinn S, Pedata A, Natkunam Y, Warnke R, Cook JR,Marafioti T, Grogan TM.. Diagn Pathol, 21:144; 2014
  7. Marafioti T, Copie-Bergman C, Calaminici M, Paterson JC, Shende VH, Liu H, Baia M, Ramsay AD, Agostinelli C, Brière J, Clear A, Du MQ, Piccaluga PP, Masir N, Nacheva EP, Sujobert P, Shanmugam K, Grogan TM, Brooks SP, Khwaja A, Ardeshna K, Townsend W, Pileri SA, Haioun C, Linch D, Gribben JG, Gaulard P, Isaacson PG.. Histopathology, 62:860-75; 2013
  8. Akarca AU, Shende VH, Ramsay AD, Diss T, Pane-Foix M, Rizvi H, Calaminici MR, Grogan TM, Linch D,Marafioti T.. Br J Haematol, 162:848-51; 2013
  9. Moroch J, Copie-Bergman C, de Leval L, Plonquet A, Martin-Garcia N, Delfau- Larue M-H, Molinier-Frenkel V, Belhadj K, Haioun C, Audouin J, Swerdlow SH,Marafioti T, Gaulard P.. Am J Surg Pathol, 36:1636-46; 2012
  10. Agostinelli C, Paterson JC, Gupta R, Righi S, Sandri F, Piccaluga PP, Bacci F, Sabattini E, Pileri SA,Marafioti T.. Histopathology, 61:33-46; 2012.