

The Bartlett School of Architecture


Exclusive preview of B-Pro Show 2013

18 September 2013

The New Souk – Hui Xu (MArch UD, Tangier Cluster)

Image: The New Souk – Hui Xu (MArch UD, Tangier Cluster)

From 24-28 September, the Bartlett School of Architecture will present a diverse range of architectural research from over 150 students in the annual post-professional Masters exhibition, B-Pro Show. 

The unique exhibition showcases the breadth of research from students on the School’s B-Pro (Bartlett Prospective) programmes encompassing MArch GAD (Graduate Architectural Design) and MArch UD (Urban Design). Organised into Research Clusters, GAD explores sophisticated research in design and fabrication, while UD looks at theoretical strategies in urbanism, offering new approaches to planning cities in the Mediterranean.

Before the opening of the exhibition here are a few highlights that will be presented at the show:

Seed – Qingling Tan (MArch GAD, Research Cluster 3)

'Seed' investigates the effect of mediated reality on users and their interaction with the built environment through embedded prostheses. The project imagines a future where embedded prostheses form a symbiotic relationship with users’ bodies, taking on the DNA and characteristics of the user through a prolonged period of growth and interaction.

Wireflies – Dimitra Angelopoulou, Vasiliki Diamanti and Meropi Karantaki (MArch GAD, Research Cluster 7)

'Wireflies' looks at the potential for creating an architectural system through gaming and algorithmic design. The game explores new building blocks of architecture working around the collection and distribution of wind energy.

Domestic Frames – Yingnan Chu (MArch UD, Marseille Cluster)

'Domestic Frames' uses Marseille as an experimental site to rethink the role of infrastructure in relation to domestic space. Different scales of the urban are collapsed in one architectural gesture: from the space of the room and the furniture to the settlement unit, to a system that colonises territory. 

The New Souk – Hui Xu (MArch UD, Tangier Cluster)

'The New Souk' attempts to use Souk trading networks as a basis for developing the local economic and cultural environment. The resulting work reconsiders and redesigns the key functions of the souk for the modern age.

Director of B-Pro, Bartlett Professor and Chair of the School, Frédéric Migayrou, says: “Ranging from research in robotics, computational physics and simulation to generative design, interactivity and urban design, B-Pro Show 2013 demonstrates the School’s innovation in architecture through a radical and alternative ethos. The exhibition provides an excellent overview of the depth of quality and the intensity of the teaching of The Bartlett’s tutors as well as the passion of all the students involved.”

Publications from the B-Pro Show 2013 are available here.

View photos from the show .