

Institute of Archaeology


Cristian ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ

Cristian ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ

Chullpa-type architecture in the south-central Andes: approaches to the computational modelling of built environments and ritual landscapes

Portrait of Cristian ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ





Chullpa-type architecture in the south-central Andes: approaches to the computational modelling of built environments and ritual landscapes.

This research project proposes to contribute to the archaeological understanding of the chullpa-type architecture, above-ground tower-shaped ritual and funerary monuments which appeared by the end of the first millennia CE in the Titicaca basin and the Andean highlands, current territories of Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. Since 2014, this research has studied the chullpa-type architectural phenomenon from a multivariate approach, trying to merge morphometric, constructive and spatial location variables in order to comprehend the socio-political, economic and ideological practices involving the Andean’s ritual world. In recent approaches, this research has employed statistical and computational modelling methods to address the role chullpas played in the geographical and ritual landscape of the Andes. These studies have also sought to understand how chullpas and their surroundings were built within pre-Hispanic urban environments and settlements. Advances in the study of ܱ貹’ functionality and chronology are currently being carried out to evaluate the spread and change of this phenomenon across multiple territories, ethnic groups and chiefdoms.


Scholarship for Doctoral Studies Abroad Becas Chile 2020, Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID)


  • BA, Anthropology with mention in Archaeology, University of Chile, 2014

  • BA, Archaeology, University of Chile, 2016

  • MSc, Computational Archaeology: GIS, Data Science and Complexity, University College London, 2020

Conference papers
  • ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ, C. A, Bevan. B, Sillar. 2021. Enfoques de modelado computacional para el estudio de la arquitectura tipo chullpa en los Andes Centro-Sur. 22nd National Congress of Chilean Archaeology, Puerto Montt, Chile.
  • ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ, C. R, Olguín. V, Figueroa. A, Cifuentes. P, Sapiains. 2021. Teledetección Satelital/RPAS, modelamiento SIG-3D y procesamientos computacionales automatizados en asentamientos prehispánicos tardíos del Desierto de Atacama. 1st Iberoamerican Seminar of Territorial Archaeology (SIAT). Mérida, Spain.
  • Cifuentes, A. C, ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ. V, Figueroa. P, Sapiains. 2021. Aproximaciones teórico-metodológicas a los paisajes minero-metalúrgicos prehispánicos: estudios de datos espaciales para modelamientos predictivos del territorio en el desierto de Atacama, Chile. 1st Iberoamerican Seminar of Territorial Archaeology (SIAT). Mérida, Spain.
  • ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ, C. R, Olguín. C, Espíndola. 2020. Levantamientos aerofotogramétricos en territorios toconares. Archaeological and Anthropological Encounter of Toconar Territory. San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.
  • ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ, C. 2020. Computational and ritual landscapes in the south-central Andes during 900-1,530 C.E: An approach through chullpa-type architectures, built environments, digital geographies, ethnicities and ontologies. Doctoral Seminar ATACAMA-SHS. IRP Internacional Research Project (CNRS 2020-2024). Paris, France.
  • ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ, C. 2020. Computational approaches to the study of ritual monuments in arid environments. The chullpa-type architecture in the south-central Andes. Incontri di Archeologia Sapienza. Universita di Roma. Conferenza Online. November 2020. Roma, Italy.
  • Espíndola, C. C, Chiappe. C. ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ, 2020.Investigar la arriería en un espacio de triple frontera: el caso Casa Colorada (Salar de Tara, Desierto de Atacama, Chile). San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.
  • Murphy, B. C. ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ. 2017. A GIS Analysis of Production Areas, Ritual Spaces, and Socioeconomics at the Mixed Inka-Local Administrative Center of Turi, Northern Chile. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Canada, Vancouver.
  • Parcero, C. B. Murphy, C. ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ. 2017. 3D modelling of complex sites in arid environments Data capture, processing and analysis in the Atacama Desert. 40th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association. España, Valencia.
  • ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ, C. B, Murphy y X, Ayán-Vila. 2016.Nuevos Acercamientos a la arquitectura y especialidad del Pucará de Turi (Región de Antofagasta, Norte Grande de Chile).19th National Congress of Argentinean Archaeology. Tucumán, Argentina.
  • Figueroa, V. D. Salazar, B. Mille, J. Berenguer, A. Cifuentes, P. Corrales, A. Menzies, P. Sapiains, D. Joly, H. Carrión, I. Corral, C. ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ. 2016. Tecnología y organización de la producción prehispánica del cobre en Collahuasi (Altiplano Meridional, Chile). 19th National Congress of Argentinean Archaeology. Tucumán, Argentina.
  • ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ, C. 2015. Prácticas sociales y ritualidad asociadas al patrón constructivo chullpa de Turi, Topaín y Panire (Región de Antofagasta, Norte de Chile). 20th National Congress of Chilean Archaeology. DzԳ賦ó, Chile.
  • Delgado A, C. ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ, F. Moya, S. Rebolledo, S. Sierralta, H. Carrión, C. Dávila, N. Fuenzalida y P. Kelly. 2014. Evaluación crítica de discursos acerca de la Prehistoria en textos escolares chilenos. VII Meeting of Latin-American Archaeological Theory (TAAS). Chile, San Felipe-Almendral.
  • Sapiains, P. Figueroa, V. Hayashida, F. Salazar, D. Menzies, A. ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ, C. Loyola, R. Murphy, B. González, J. Parcero-Oubiña, C. 2021. Supergene Copper and the Ancient Mining Landscapes of the Atacama Desert: Refining the Protocol for the 鶹ýƵվ of Archaeological Copper Minerals through the Case 鶹ýƵվ of Pukara de Turi. Minerals 2021, 11, 1402.
  • Gonzalez-Rodriguez, C. 2020. Computational modelling approaches to the study of chullpa-type architecture in the south-central Andes. Dissertation submitted to obtain the degree “MSc Computational Archaeology: GIS, Data Science and Complexity”. Tutors: PhD Andrew Bevan, PhD Bill Sillar. University College London.
  • Sanhueza-Toha, C. J. Berenguer, C. González-Godoy, C. ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ, J. Cortés, S. Martín y J. Cruz. 2020. Saywas y geografía sagrada en el Qhapaq Ñan del despoblado de Atacama. Chungará (Arica).
  • Fábrega-Álvarez, P. C. Parcero-Oubiña, P. Mañana-Borrazás, A. Güimil-Fariña, M. Pino, C. Borie, C. ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ y J. Canosa-Betés. 2018. Empleo de UAV para la documentación efectiva y de bajo coste de espacios arqueológicos. Una experiencia en sistemas agrícolas prehispánicos en Atacama (N. Chile). In “Anejos de NAILOS: Estudios Interdisciplinares de Arqueología”. Number 4, pag.41-69. ISSN 2341-3573. Oviedo.
  • ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ, C. 2018. New approaches to the chullparian architecture and their spatial location within Pucará de Turi (Antofagasta Region, Northern Chile). In “Political Landscapes of the Late Intermediate Period in the Southern Andes”, Catriel Greco and Alina Alvarez eds. Springer, United States, 2018. ISBN: 978-3-319-76728-4.
  • Grasset-Meza, S. C, Méndez. J, Álvarez. C, Castillo. C, ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ. V, Méndez. A, Nuevo. T, Troncoso. 2017. Arqueología en Combarbalá. RAN CHILE Ltda., Chile. Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, FONDART Nº423357 “Valoración del patrimonio arqueológico de la ocupación de la precordillera de Combarbalá, Región de Coquimbo”.
  • ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ, C. 2016. Regularidades Tipológico-Espaciales de las estructuras chullparias del Pucará de Turi, la aldea de Topaín y Paniri (Región de Antofagasta, Norte de Chile). Undergraduate thesis submitted to obtain the degree in “Archaeology”. University of Chile.
  • Carrión, H. C, Dávila. A, Delgado. N, Fuenzalida. P, Kelly. F, Moya. S, Rebolledo. S, Sierralta. J, Sepúlveda. C. ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ. 2015. Evaluación de la Arqueología Social en Chile: Desarrollo histórico y revisión crítica del proyecto disciplinar. Boletín de la Sociedad Chilena de Arqueología N° 45, pp. 95-114.
  • ҴDzԳá-ǻíܱ, C. 2014. Análisis arquitectónico y espacial de las estructuras tipo chullpa de Turi, Topaín y Panire. Dissertation submitted to obtain the degree “Anthropology with mention in Archaeology”. University of Chile.