Rethinking Slavic Area Studies From The Opposite Edges of Eurasia
Rethinking The Legacy of Homo Sovieticus: What is Conceptual and What is Real in Today’s Russia?
Revolution: New Art for a New World
Revolutionary Dostoevsky: Rethinking Radicalism
Robert Chandler: Censorship - And Eloquent Silences - In Vasily Grossman’s For A Just Cause
Romanian elections: Political risks, economic outlook and social concerns
Romanian Migration Workshop
Round-table discussion of Aleksei German Sr's Trudno byt´ bogom (Hard to be God, 2013)
Round-table discussion of Andrei Zviagintsev’s Leviafan (Leviathan, 2014)
Roundtable on populism, news and information society: Fake news, post-truth, information warfare or alternative facts?
