Sir William Laurence Young 4th Bart.

MP (Conservative)


Young died in office in 1842. He appears not to have spoken at all during his period as an MP.

However, he was strongly opposed to the lowering of duties on sugar in 1841, declaring:

'They proposed to lower the duty on slave-grown sugar, and thus encourage the competition of the Brazilians with our West Indian colonists. He for one thought this bad policy, and therefore he voted against it. He thought it would injure the colonies, and not benefit the consumer, and he would not therefore give his sanction to any measure which would be of so little benefit to the community, while it would jeopardize the great experiment of negro emancipation.'


Quotation from The Standard, 6 July 1841; cited in forthcoming entry by Henry Miller on Young in the History of Parliament online. We are grateful to the History of Parliament for sight of this before publication.

Elections / Constituences

Buckinghamshire Buckinghamshire
1835 - 1842