Edward Edwards

No Dates

Claimant or beneficiary


Official assignee of Mordecai Palach[e], the owner of Berry Hill in Jamaica.

  1. Shown as of No. 8 Old Jewry in another unrelated bankruptcy case in which he also acted as Official Assignee in 1832, and then at No. 4 Pancras' Lane in 1833-1836 at least. Apparently unconnected with the Edward Edwards, wholesale tea dealer of 14 Abchurch Lane, who died 10/07/1859 and left £120,000 in personalty (although a man with the same name as Edwards' co-assignee, Francis Ceal, was also a London tea-dealer, of St Swithin's Lane).  


T71/915 p. 43 Manchester claim no. 125 A & B.

  1. London Gazette, Issue 18916, 13/03/1832, p. 576; London Gazette, Issue 19102, 11/01/1833, p. 87; London Gazette, Issue 19371, 05/04/1836, p. 634.

Further Information


Associated Claims (1)

£1,767 12s 3d
Awardee (Assignee)

Addresses (1)

4 Pancras Lane, London, Middlesex, London, England