Henry Brotherson Rawlins

1782 - 1817


East India Co. man who died c. 1817: his sister and brother-in-law pursued the compensation as his executors for the Verchild estate on St Kitts, which was awarded to trustees of Gertrude Rawlins et al.

  1. Will of Henry Brotherson Rawlins Calcutta May 4th 1817: 'My sister Maria Loscombe a box of ornaments and to C.W. Loscombe my silver teapot. 'All else to daughter Marian now at Orphans School and a son living with me but not yet christened.' Will proved by C.W. Loscombe 3/10/1818.

  2. A Henry Brotherson Rawlins, the son of Henry Rawlins and Mary Hill, is shown as baptised Aldershot Hampshire 11/11/1782.


  1. Caribbeana Vol VI p 152

  2. FamilySearch, England Births and Christenings 1538-1975

Further Information

Soldier (East India Company)

Associated Claims (2)

£880 6s 4d
Other association
£1,687 7s 10d
Other association