Jamaica Vere 55 (Chesterfield Estate)

9th May 1836 | 196 Enslaved | £3989 3s 6d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 292.

Eldred Lewis Blight Pearse and Mary his wife & others versus James Brooke & others.

T71/1185: counterclaims included Eliza Peters Washington Parker, of Buckingham St., Fitzroy Sq., Middlesex, a widow. Counterclaim of Edward Lewis Blight Pearse, Bodmin in County of Cornwall gentleman and Mary his wife late the widow of James Craggs Parker deceased,  in right of said Mary Pearse and also the 4 infant children of late James Craggs Parker. Thomas John Parker's indenture dated 22/6/1796 to have after his death £40,000 raised to be divided between 4 children, incl. Henry Pearse [sic, but more logically Henry Parker] and James Craggs Parker.

Jamaica Almanac (1833): Chesterfield estate registered to the heirs of Henry Parker.

Jamaica Almanac (1826): Chesterfield estate registered to Henry Parker.

Times 18/11/1867 p. 11: Pearse vs Dobinson was an appeal from decision in Pearse vs Brooke: 'The suit was instituted by the husband of an annuitant under the will of a Mr Parker', trying to undo a compromise ordered by the Vice Chancellor of England. Still running in 1870.

Further Information

Claim No.
Chesterfield Estate

Associated Individuals (5)

Beneficiary deceased
Previous owner (not making a claim)
Claimants in List E or Chancery cases
Claimants in List E or Chancery cases
Claimants in List E or Chancery cases

Associated Estates (1)