Jamaica St John 259A&B (Content)

10th Oct 1836 | 84 Enslaved | £1969 8s 3d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 7.

The award was split -

59A: £670 2s 10d went to Swinhoe, 10/10/1836.

259B: £1299 5s 5d went to Hawkins and Hall [sic], 12/12/1836.

T71/854: claim from Martha Rachel Swinhoe, of St John, as owner and as guardian of Rob J. Hale. Letter of LeBlanc Oliver & Cook, praying that the award may be postponed until further instructions from Jamaica. Not clear on the role of Henry Adol Hawkins and Elizabeth Hale, a widow.

T71/1593 p. 399: letter, dated 16/02/1837, to Henry A. Hawkins, High St., Bideford (Devon), re. the award to Henry Adol Hawkins and Elizabeth Hale, as trustees for infant Robert James Hales. States that there is evidence now that Martha Rachel Swinhoe (deceased) was entitled to rent and profits until Robert James Hales was 21. Therefore, there is a need to restructure the trust and add a trustee.

T71/1606: letter, dated 14/11/1836, from Robert James Hales, regarding 'having a claim on a gang of slaves in the parish of St James', formerly the property of his father R. Augustus Hale, but since in the possession of Martha Rachel Swinhoe. Requests information on this claim. Letter, dated 15/12/1836, from Robert James Hales, 1 Brownham Place, Hotwells, Bristol, asking: are the trustees I named alright? Letter from J. Hale, 1 Brownham Place, Hotwells, Bristol, asking: have you reached majority yet? If not, you need trustees - Mrs Robert A. Hales plus one other.

T71/1594 p. 16: letter, dated 15/03/1837, to Henry Adol Hawkins, Exeter (Devon) re. this claim, seeking return of special award and reissue to 3 trustees.

Further Information

St John
Claim No.
Collected by
Davidson, Henry (A); Hawkins Henry A and Whally Markland, atty to Eliz Hale widow

Associated Individuals (5)

Previous owner (not making a claim)
Awardee (Trustee)
Awardee (Trustee)

Associated Estates (1)